Many people believe that their financial well-being is linked solely to their ability to earn a high income. True financial independence, however, has much more to do with understanding and taking advantage of the finances you have. It's more about setting financial goals and learning to use financial strategies that will help you meet your objectives

CASTILLO FINANCIAL GROUP (CFG) is committed to helping you pursue your long-term financial goals. As specialists in Insurance, Investments, Retirement Strategies and Estate Conservation, we can help you answer the questions you may have about your financial future, such as:

Will I be able to retire early?

How much money will I need in order to retire?

How can I get the most out of my 401(k)?

Should I have a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA?

How can I position my investments for higher potential returns while reducing risk?

How can I "inflation-proof" my investment income?

Do I need disability income insurance? Long-term care insurance?

How can I ensure that my children receive as much as possible from my estate?

What do I need to know about wills, trusts, and probate?

Our goal as a Financial Services Professional is to help you plan for financial security. Whether your goals involve building wealth through investing, funding a child's college education, planning for a comfortable retirement, or protecting your estate, we can help you develop a roadmap to reach your goals and make wise decisions to help improve your financial situation.

The process we follow in completing a total financial strategy consists of:

Gathering and analyzing your financial situation to develop a clear picture of your specific needs, assets, liabilities, and risk tolerance;

Designing a financial strategy that takes into account the full range of needs you have now, and those needs you may have in the future; and

Periodically reviewing your strategy, consulting with you to make appropriate adjustments, and assisting you in keeping your plan on track.

Our firm is completely independent, so our loyalty belongs exclusively to our clients -- not to a parent company.

Furthermore, our independence enables us to establish working relationships with a number of industry-leading brokerage firms and insurance providers whose products we leverage to create customized client portfolios. We recommend only those products and services that can be tailored to suit our clients' unique needs.

For more information about our firm and the services we offer,contact us today.


Contact Us Now. To learn more of how we can help / assist you.


Phone: (201) 450-9772

Fax: (888) 520-5789



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